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Professional graphic designer and photographer, photography specialist for models and hostesses, erotica and boudoir. I studied in the National School of Plastic Arts in Mexico City and for more than 6 years I have been working in professional photography. In my resume you can find photography for psychology books, photo for discs of musical groups, specifically of heavy metal. Boudoir sessions for girls who want to look beautiful and sexy and want to have an unforgettable memory in the photo.

I have an honorific mention in the category of interior architecture in 2013 International Photography Awards competition.

My mission is to make good taste and artistic photography considering "tabu" themes in a non-vulgar way and give an important value to the aesthetics of the human body and that is not taken as something dirty or unpleasant to the eye. It is to portray the human body, dressed or naked, in my very personal way of seeing it and transmitting in a photo the attitude and feeling that a person can project in a photo session discovering the hidden side that the person did not know .

I also have experience in product photo and social events which I like to capture in a very personal way and not make the typical posed photos that everyone has of an event.